Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Rani Fruit Drink

I hope everyone has been having a good day today because mine hasn't been what I had hoped it would be. However, sitting on my couch lamenting on the days events I felt the urge to yank a drink out of my fridge and gulp it down.

To my great delight, I found a bottle of Rani (Apple) Fruit Drink:

Boy, did it taste gooood! Well, it was so good I couldn't gulp it down as I had initially intended to but instead sip it to fill my taste buds with every drop of it. And I kid you not! It had a natural kind of flavour to it (although it does mention that there is sugar added to it) which I just don't get from other fruit drinks in the market today. It would be worth to mention that the other day I had tried the Mango one and it totally amazed me that the pulp was so pleasantly thick and smooth it was almost like you had squeezed the juice out of the mango yourself!

This product is made by Aujan Industries in Saudi Arabia and it comes in all kinds of flavours and containers of different shapes and sizes. According to the manufacturers, this product has been served up in the Middle East since 1982 and it has a concept of having a 'unique recipe' with smooth juice and real fruit pieces or 'chunks' as they call it. This particular one I had was a glass bottle containing 200ml of Apple juice and, and I wish I could have had more of it. 

I would definitely recommend this drink to any fruit drink addict, and for those of you who'd like to have stocks of drinks at home to serve to your guests or just have it on the go in the mornings to school or work, it would certainly make a fine choice. It is available in over 56 Countries worldwide according to their website and you'd better hope that yours is one of them! I grade today's product a healthy 4.5/5 with perhaps the downside of diabetics not able to fully enjoy its contents due to the sugar content. If they could come up with a less sweet or alternate sweetener version of this product it would most certainly score a high five in my opinion. 

So that's it for today folks. If you have any comments on this product or your own opinions about it, please share it with over here on the blog. 

'Till the next thing inspires me!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Inaugural Rev Blog - Amzer Silicone Case

Good day everyone! Today I will mark the beginning of a new blog which i have decided to write on which is basically my reviews on everything and anything that interests me on my day to day life. It can range from websites, food, gadgets, books, places, events, got my point.

There are a lot of specialized blogs out there on certain topics and it does garner a faithful following if you have a topic of interest relating to those people. What I wanted was more of a random, new, fresh thing to talk about every other day which I experience or am inspired to write about on that particular day and share them thoughts with all of you out there.

So to start of my blog, I found it fitting to pick a totally random product to talk about which  is the Amzer Silicone Case which I had bought for my Nexus S mobile phone about 10 months back. And here is how it looks like:

I bought my Nexus S about 9 months ago, and having little faith in the plastic back and full screen panel on the front, I thought maybe, just maybe investing a little in a case would be good. Well, I would say it is one of the best decisions I have made yet this year. I know this must sound bizarre but by and large this little investment has saved me the cost of my mobile phone multiple times over.

It cost me about $9 off of E-bay and I had order it from the US so it came up to about $16 with the shipping and all. At first I thought would this be worth it and what with the multiple casings I was able to get for the same price but of inferior quality (but at that point, I thought, how much quality could there be in a silicone case?). It is a simple case made of silicone with cuts and grooves made fitting for the Nexus S. Since the phone fits inside the case on the front side the outlines of the case give a raised hinge kind of protection to the screen in case it falls on screen side. The four corners have extra bumper kind of protection which is sturdy and looks pleasing aesthetically as well.

I couldn't be more right to buy when I think about it in hindsight as I have dropped this phone unexpectedly countless of times indoors but more importantly it has fallen from my hands (butterfingers) not once but thrice on the road outdoors and I am proud to say this casing has saved the day. The latest incident happened when I was in Mumbai, India and as I was coming out of the taxi, my phone fell off from my lap on to the road facing down (on the screen side) and my friend even stepped on it as he got out behind me. When I picked it up, the case was all dirty with his shoe print, but my phone was thankfully unharmed. After some dusting and washing of the case, it looked just like when I had bought it. I know things like this are hard to imagine in this time and day but truly this product amazed me of its quality and now, I feel it is totally worth the price I paid for it.